Devil's Evo Double Chapter Release
C156 C157 have been released. Enjoy and thanks for reading our translations. #xuanhuan #ChapterRelease #chinesenovels #thedevilsevocatalog
Undying Drama double release
C80 and C81 have been released. Enjoy and sorry for the delay in releases. #theundyingdrama #chapterrelease #chinesenovels #xuanhuan
Marquis of Grand Xia C64
C64 of Grand Xia has been released. Enjoy and thanks for reading. This chapter took the better part of the day to translate so the rest...
Devil's Evo C155
Chapter 155 of Devil's Evo has been released. Enjoy and thanks for reading our translations. #thedevilsevocatalog #xuanhuan...
IMPORTANT Poll regarding Devil's Evo
Regarding the author of Devil's Evolution Catalog, the author has, at times, expressed some sense of frustration over RL issues in short...
Undying C79
Chapter 79 of The Undying Drama has been released. Enjoy and thanks for reading our translations. #theundyingdrama #xuanhuan...