Twin Heroes Chapter 1
Chapter 1 of Twin Heroes has been released. This isn't a main series and won't have a fixed release schedule. Also, future chapters will...
Grand Xia and Undying will be dropped at the end of this month.
Because of work, I no longer have enough time to translate 3 series. I will refund those who pledged funds this month to the best of my...
Become a World Boss? No Thanks! V2 Chapter 24
V2 Chapter 24 has been released. Enjoy and thanks for reading! #worldboss #ChapterRelease #chinesenovels
Become a World Boss? No Thanks! V2 Chapter 23
V2 Chapter 23 has been released. Enjoy and thanks for reading! #worldboss #ChapterRelease #chinesenovels
Appraiser's Job Chapter 42
AJ Ch. 42 It's been a long time. And I've finally learned how to make an announcement post! Thanks for reading!
Devil's Evolution Week
This week will be Devil's Evolution Week. All Grand Xia chapters will be replaced with Devil's Evolution and two Devil's Evolution...